~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nature has provided a veritable magical pantry
in the plants which grow all over our planet. Since ancient times these plants have been used for magick- the practice of
causing change by natural powers. Through the medicinal properties of plants are fairly known- many or the most widely
prescribed drugs are synthesized versions of substances originally derived from plants- their occult powers are less accessible.
Much of their magick still lies in of shadow of secrecy. Our ancestors knew that plants had mysterious, magickal powers.
Although the magick in herbs has been forgotten by many, it never disappeared. Return to the days when nature spirits dwelled
in sacred groves and fairies danced in flower gardens~~~~~
Reiki Charged Medicine Bags~
I hand sew leather medicine bags and can add herbs, stones and symbols for your need~ Health, Healing, Prosperity, Love
& Protection. My most popular blend is a bag with herbs and stones that include all of these properties. I then charge
the bag with healing Reiki energy. Email me with your need.... windspirit57@yahoo.com
Mitakuye Oyasin and Blessings, Windspirit