Crystals and Stones
Crystals and stones contain their own energy. You can use a
crystal or stones energy for yourself or to enhance you magick. When you first get a stone you should cleanse it. You can
do this by washing it in salt water, sea water or holy water. Then take it out into the light of the full Moon. The Moon does
two things- it cleanses and energizes the stone. You might say it wakes it up.
Which crystal or stone you use for which magickal purpose will
depend on your own feelings and intuitions. If you are drawn to a particular stone, try it out. It may be just what you need.
The following crystals and stones are generally considered to have the properties listed.
Agate- Courage, strength, love protection
Alexandrite- Luck, love, spiritual transformation. joy
Amber- A highly claming stone that facilitates energy balancing and cleansing, removes psychic attack and energy draining
from others. Used by healers as a protective shield against taking on others pain in healing work.
Amethyst- Courage, Psychic energy, dreams, healing addictions, peace, happiness, love
Aquamarine- Courage, purification, peace, psychic awareness, self expression
Aventurine- Money, luck, mental agility, visual acuity, peace, healing
Azurite- Psychic energy, dreams, divination, healing, concentration, transformation
Beryl- Energy, love, healing, psychic awareness, protection
Bloodstone- Courage, strength, victory, wealth, self-confidence, business and legal affairs
Calcite-Centering, grounding, purification, money, peace, calms fears
Carnelian-Courage, sexual energy, verbal skill, peace; alleviates jealousy, apathy, fear and rage
Celestite- Verbal skill, healing, compassion, calming; aids growth
Clear quartz- intensifies energy ( both positive and negative)
Chrysocolla- Wisdom, peace, love, communication. vitality
Chrysoprase- Prosperity, luck, happiness, friendship, protection, healing
Citrine- Psychic powers, protection, creativity, sexual energy; deflects nightmares
Diamond- Courage strength, healing, protection, spirituality, mental and sexual abilities
Emerald- Prosperity, mental and psychic abilitys, dreams, meditation, visual acuity, love, peace, balance
Garnet- Strength, physical energy, healing, protection, purification, compassion
Geode- fertility, childbirth, meditation, freedom of spirit, psychic ability, dreams, astral travel
Hematite- grounding, calming, healing, divination, intuition, physical strength; aids restful sleep
Jade- Healing, protection, wisdom, prosperity, love, long life, fertility, courage, peace
Jasper-Healing, protection, health, beauty, energy
Kunzite- Creativity, communication, peace, balance, relaxation, grounding
Lapis lazuli- Courage, joy, love, fidelity, psychic abilities, protection, healing, beauty, prosperity
Labradorite-Aids in healing the will, heals co- dependency and co alcoholism. Promotes courage and clarity.
Lepidolite- Peace, spirituality, physical strength, luck, protection, psychic ability, emotional balance
Malachite- Power, energy, protection, love, peace, success in business, vision quests, gardening
Moldavite- psychic abilities, mental and emotional balance
Moonstone- grounding, love, divination, sleep, gardening, protection, youth, sleep, harmony, magick, peace, travel
Obsidian- Grounding, divination, protection; deflects negativity
Onyx- Emotional balance, self control (especially in sexual matters), binding, protection
(especially against someone elses magick), strength
Opal- Beauty, prosperity, luck, power, psychic abilities, visual acuity, emotional balance
Peridot- protection, prosperity, sleep, health, emotional balance, intuition
Rose Quartz- Love, peace, happiness, healing (especially emotions)
Rhodochrosite- Energy, peace, calm, love, mental activity, emotional balance
Ruby- Prosperity, power, courage, integrity, joy; deflects nightmares
Sapphire- psychic abilities, inspiration, love, meditation, peace, healing, power, prosperity, protection
Smoky quartz- Healing, directing and absorbing energy, altered states
Sodalite- Healing, meditation, wisdom, calm, grounding, stress reducer
Sunstone- Protection, energy, health passion, sexuality
Tigers Eye- Courage, prosperity, protection, energy, luck, judgment and common sense, honesty, divination; eases
Topaz- - Protection, healing, dieting, prosperity, love, emotional balance, tranquility, creativity
Tourmaline- Love, friendship, prosperity, business, peace, sleep, energy, courage, protection, inspiration
Turquoise- Courage, protection, prosperity, luck friendship, healing, communication, happiness, emotional balance,
astral balance
Zircon- Protection especially for theft, beauty, love, peace. sexual energy, mental alertness, emotional balance